Handbook » Handbook » Academic and Grading Policies

Academic and Grading Policies


Grade Determination

Graded activities in courses are assigned points. A student’s final grade will reflect the actual points earned, compared to the total points possible. Example: In his or her math class, the student earns 563 points out of a total of 700 possible points. The grade would be 80%. 563/700 = 80%. Students and learning coaches can access the current grades for all courses by viewing their accounts in the landing page at any time during the quarter/semester.
Students must work independently on unit tests and final exams. Students are not allowed to share work with other students on unit tests or final exams. Unless otherwise noted, tests and quizzes are not “open-book” assignments. If a student does not complete his own work or shares his work with others on unit tests and/or final exams, he/she may not receive credit for the work.
Students must cite sources in all assignments, tests, and exams. Students may not receive credit for work that does not appropriately cite sources. Grades will be determined based on how students perform on teacher graded activities within each course. Graded activities may include:
  • Online or paper-based worksheets and practice sets
  • Quizzes and Exams (e.g. Unit, Semester, Final)
  • Threaded discussions
  • Essays, research papers, and other writing assignments
  • Presentations
Assignments will be teacher-graded or computer-graded, depending on the assignment. During the semester, students can view their grades in the Student Progress Report. Teachers, administrators, and parents also have access to student grade information.
In order to satisfy each student’s individual learning needs, ISOK Community Family Advisors and Counselors collaborate with Learning Coaches and students to establish individual student goals. Goals are designed to clarify and to guide the student’s learning experience while motivating the student and increasing the likelihood of high academic achievement. Student attendance and progress are factored into goals. Community Family Advisors, students, and Learning Coaches may modify these goals as the school year progresses. Dedicated ISOK staff work closely with students and Learning Coaches to formulate realistic expectations and provide feedback toward the goals during scheduled parent/ teacher conferences.

Grading Scale

ISOK uses the following grading scale:
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% -69%
F = below 60%

Adding or Dropping a Course for HS Credit

Adds and drops will be made only when conditions meet the currently published criteria for a schedule change.
To initiate the request, the parent or Learning Coach must call or email the counselor. If a schedule change is approved during the first ten (10) class days of a quarter/semester, the earned grade from the dropped class will not be reported or recorded. However, all assignments for the new class must be made up at the teacher’s discretion.
If a schedule change is approved after the first ten (10) class days, the student will not receive credit for the dropped class. (NC) will be on the transcript.

Only the following will be regarded as justifiable reasons for schedule change requests:
  • To correct computer error.
  • To correct graduation deficiencies.
  • To correct class imbalance.
  • To make necessary changes due to prior semester grades.
  • To enable students to meet requirements for post-secondary school admission.
  • To provide for placement in Special Education classes or to implement a student's IEP
Schedules WILL NOT be adjusted for the following conditions:
  • Preference for a different teacher.
  • Preference to be with friends and/or siblings in class.
  • Change of mind about taking the course.

Late Work Policy, Checkpoints and Lock Dates

Late Work Policy
  • Graded assignments are listed on the course calendar. These assignments must be completed and submitted by the deadline for that assignment to receive full credit for the work. Any work that is not received by the deadline will be considered missing and assigned a zero.
  • Late work submitted after the deadline will be accepted, however, late work can be graded with an assessed penalty.
  • Under extreme circumstances, teachers may grant due date extensions on assignments. Families should never assume that they will automatically grant these requests. Due date extensions must be requested before the due date of the assignment during the school week.
  • In case of computer- or internet-issues, students are required to contact their classroom teachers immediately to communicate the issue, so please have a hardcopy of all teachers’ names and phone numbers. These can all be found in the Course Content under Course Materials: Teacher Contact Information.

Final Exams

Middle school students (6th-8th graders) must submit all work every 9 weeks and take mid- term assessments/exams as well as final exams at the end of both fall and spring semesters.
High school (9th -12th grade) students must take final exams at the end of each block. There is a total of four blocks per year, and each block is approximately nine weeks long. Excused absences are not allowed for these exams. To protect test confidentiality, all exams must be taken on assigned days. Students who cheat and/or plagiarize in any way on a final exam or final project shall not be allowed to resubmit it for credit.
This information is from the Board-approved ISOK Handbook for SY 2022-2023, revised September 2022.